About Us

Here at WHMP we aim to provide the best possible outcome for our patients in a safe and welcoming environment.

We aim to be at the forefront of modern general practice, offering a wide range of services and facilities. Along with our wonderful clinical staff here at WHMP we have an excellent PCN support team including a Physician Associate, Clinical Pharmacists, Social Prescribing Link Workers, MIND workers, band 7 CPN and First Contact Physiotherapists.

Based here within our large practice we also have a dedicated minor illness team with an advance Nurse practitioner and two Paramedic Practitioners.

WHMP prides itself on being a centre of Excellence for teaching and training of medical students, GP Registrars and Nurses.

Investing in our staff is a high priority it leads to them diversifying and developing their skills and knowledge. This lends itself to us having a highly skilled, resilient, and adaptable work force to meet the needs of our patients within the community.

Our success is built upon the personal and professional achievement of everyone who works here at WHMP.