PPG Minutes - Jun 2019

4th June 2019


Graham Hall (Chair), David Owen-Smith (CEO), David Burn, Douglas Dalrymple, Marcus Lapthorn, Emily Norton, David Grant (minutes)


Dr Rob Russ, Gene Webb, Richard May, and Ann Sadler (Practice Manager)

1. Welcome

Kim Morgan was welcomed to the group, having been interested in joining it for some months past.

David Grant announced his attention to stand down from the group following his election to the White Horse District Council as a representative for Faringdon. GH thanked him for his participation, input and for taking the minutes of this meeting

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and signed off by GH

3. Practice Related Updates

3.1 The search for a replacement for Ann Sadler is progressing. Applications close on Fri 07 June. So far, there have been twelve applications, including one from existing staff. Four candidates are likely to be interviewed, including the internal applicant.

DO-S outlined his plans for staff organisation and development. His intention is to appoint a team leader for each of the six main staff sections, who will each report directly to him, as CEO. A part-time financial assistant will also be appointed.

3.2 No changes to GP contracts since last update.

3.3 Submission for PCN with Botley (PCN Botley White Horse) was made on 15th May 2019, which has been accepted. Not expected to have a huge effect except potentially for out of hours work. When Botley Medical Centre took over Kennington Health Centre to save it from closure, it was integrated with Botley, sharing most of the Botley doctors. GH reported he had noticed that a recent CQC report on the Botley Practice said it ‘required improvement’. D O-S said they had been quite open about this in their discussions with WHMP and had already taken steps to remedy their shortcomings.

Our Clinical Director is Dr Masterman. First PCN board meeting was last Thursday. The final stage is for submission of schedules, which is due by 30 June, with PCN operational from 01 July. Future funding should permit Botley/WHMP PCN to share the costs of both a Clinical Pharmacist and a Social Prescriber, at least initially. Interestingly, Sibford Practice in North Oxfordshire has refused to join any PCN - so far without challenge.

Each practice in a PCN is expected to maintain its own PPG. It was suggested that an introductory meeting with the Botley PPG would be useful, once our PCN was fully operational. It would be helpful to exchange experiences and ideas, thereafter.

3.4 ML gave an update on plans to move CT-PET scanning at Churchill Hospital to a private contractor, InHealth, who plan to change to a mobile scanning operation, split between Swindon, Milton Keynes, and Oxford.

  • CT-PET scan doctors reading scans may not be from the Churchill and will not be available at multi-disciplinary team meetings
  • There is no certainty that patients’ scan results will be studied by the same specialist throughout their treatment, as now. This is worrying
  • Some services may not be available since doctors will not be there supervising
  • There is no requirement for InHealth to train up junior doctors as specialists
  • This will affect the present world-class University research carried out in Oxford
  • Oxfordshire County Council scrutiny committee has written to NHS England to express discontent and the issue has been raised in Parliament by an Oxford MP

3.5 NAPP is proposing to change its status from a Charitable Unincorporated Organisation (CUO) to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and requested a signed voting form from each PPG to state at the forthcoming NAPP AGM, whether or not they approve. It was agreed that the PPG had not been well enough informed to decide immediately. No objections were raised, and the PPG agreed that a vote in favour could be made, subject to further information being received by D O-S before the AGM.

[Following enquiries and clarification, DO-S sent the signed form before the meeting.]

3.6 ML gave an update on behalf of himself and GW regarding the website.

ML requested that more input be sought from the PPG before future website changes and expressed surprise that the recent website update took place without consultation. The PPG fully supported this request, as does DO-S who would raise it with the Partners.

DO-S stated that he would like to integrate the appearance and branding of the waiting room screens and the WHMP website.

A voice has been added to the screens to call patients to their consulting rooms.

3.7 It was reported that the rate of local development planning applications appears to be slowing down. Among other factors, the impending closure of Honda would likely have an effect on local demand for housing.

4. Team Updates

4.1 EN and RM will attend the NAPP Conference on 15 June, in Cheltenham.

4.2 It was noted that the NAPP bulletin was not fully circulated amongst PPG members.

4.3 GH to circulate NAPP bulletin issue 140 for May. [Already done]

DO-S will ask Ann to ensure that in future, all PPG members receive their own copy

4.4 EN gave an update on the mental health project with Faringdon Community College. It has made slow progress to date, most probably because of their current workload.

It was agreed that EN would introduce KM to Kirsty Williams at the Faringdon Community College.

4.5 EN reported that recent the change to the dementia group name to ‘Family Friendly Group’, have made it less clear that the group was originally intended specifically to help dementia sufferers.

4.6 DO-S was unable to update on Clinician Volunteers for Nasio Trust Medical Centre but will follow this up with Dr Russ.

4.7 KM was welcomed to the PPG.

KM suggested making PPG an affiliated group of the Town Council, to ensure that a three minute update will be given at Town Council meetings. The PPG agreed to this.

ML has a contact who is interested in joining the PPG. This potential member had suggested that drinking water should be available in each surgery waiting room.

4.8 Spring Healthy Times has now been distributed.

KBS distribution has now transferred to One Stop Shop following closure of Post Office.

4.9 DB raised issue of sending out Healthy Times information via email.

DO-S said there were GDPR issues, but it is worth discussing with those practices that already do it, e.g. with Sam Barratt of Didcot Woodlands Practice.

4.10 Shelagh Garvey has requested feedback on HealthShare services.

KM has made a formal complaint about HealthShare (MSK) service regarding physio appointments, after waiting months and checking different areas for appointments.

DO-S has had a positive experience following his son’s rugby injury.

6. AOB

6.1 ML raised a concern that had been raised with him by a patient regarding Advanced Decisions or Living Wills and asked DO-S to inform the PPG on WHMP policy at the next meeting.

6.2 GH requested a volunteer to take minutes, in future. Decision deferred to next meeting.

6.3 DO-S gave update on plans to link up with the Pump House Project and has invited them in to talk to WHMP.

7. Next Meeting

The next meeting is at 18:30 Tue 3 September 2019.

Final 2019 meeting date is: Tue 3 Dec 2019.


The initials NAPP refer to the National Association of Patient Participation

Who does what in the PPG:

  • David Burn - Honorary Newsletter Editor, Publicity, Electronic notice board
  • Kaye-Frances Byers - Watching brief
  • Douglas Dalrymple - NAPP co-ordinator with EN, with reference to Bulletins and Conferences
  • David Grant - Now leaving the PPG, thus a new minute taker is required to replace him, as noted under AOB
  • Graham Hall - SWOLF; leg ulcer treatments; cognitive impairment in ageing (FMRIB study); ‘Garfield’ research in apixaban use. Acts as a ‘patient’ at for Second MB Final Exams at JR; participant in Active Monitoring for Atrial Fibrillation Study (AMALFI - NIHR)
  • Marcus Lapthorn - Maternity, County Medical representative; Ophthalmology; MSK
  • Richard May - Reports on local area housing planning applications and developments
  • Kimberley Morgan - New member, working alongside EN re: Youth Health issues
  • Emily Norton - Dementia co-ordinator; NAPP Conferences; PPG website; emails point of contact and Youth representative
  • Gene Webb - SWOLF; PPG website; WHMP communication via faringdon.org, I Live in Faringdon, Next door Faringdon; other village Facebook pages.