Research - Published results

Published Results

Studies that WHMP patients were a part of and have now published their results

ANTLER - A placebo controlled study to look at whether remaining on (or coming off) anti-depressants reduced relapses of depression

Press Release: Long-term antidepressant use is effective, but many people can come off them safely – new research (

Publication: Maintenance or Discontinuation of Antidepressants in Primary Care (

GP Perspectives Study - This was a study of GP attitudes and understanding, to help improve clinician education about endometriosis. At WHMP all departments participate in research like this because we are passionate about our roles. 

Publication: Navigating possible endometriosis in primary care: a qualitative study of GP perspectives (

HOPE-e - This was a pilot study looking at how we might be able to treat painful hand arthritis with HRT. WHMP patients were involved in the study, as were the doctors, helping the study team refine the trial protocol for a much larger study in the future. 

Publication: Hand Osteoarthritis: investigating Pain Effects of estrogen-containing therapy (HOPE-e): a protocol for a feasibility randomised placebo-controlled trial (

Psychological Impact of COVID - This was a study that many of our patients were involved in, by replying to a text link questionnaire. Over 28000 adults took part across the UK, with interesting insights into what affected mental health during the 2020 lockdown period. 

Publication: Impact of lockdown relaxation and implementation of the face-covering policy on mental health: A United Kingdom COVID-19 study (

STOIC - A world-leading study that proved inhaled steroids can reduce COVID illness severity and hospital admissions in some patients. WHMP and our patients were part of the hugely significant study that we are especially proud of. 

Publication: Inhaled budesonide in the treatment of early COVID-19 (STOIC): a phase 2, open-label, randomised controlled trial - The Lancet Respiratory Medicine (